
CIOE 2024

CIOE 2024

The 25th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) will be held from September 11 to 13, 2024, at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center.

Mr. Xiaolun Zeng and Mr. Yongbao Xin will be there to discuss clients’ potential needs for Telecom filters



作为供应链关键产品的制造商,益瑞电光谱技术公司 (Iridian Spectral Technologies) 已列入加拿大安大略省政府2020年3月23日发布的关键行业清单,并受命在此COVID-19疫情期间继续进行生产运营。

我们在现场保持了充足的原材料供应,并且也没有从我们的主要供应商处收到有关任何重大原材料供应中断的通知; 我们目前继续生产和交货。我们将竭诚为您提供最优质的滤光片。

Iridian Filters Chosen for Dragonfly Telescope

Iridian Filters Chosen for Dragonfly Telescope

Ottawa, Canada, June 7, 2021 Iridian Spectral Technologies congratulates the team at the Dunlap Institute at the University of Toronto on securing nearly $2 million in support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for the development and expansion of their...

Iridian Expanding LiDAR Filter Capacity

Iridian Expanding LiDAR Filter Capacity

Ottawa, Canada, August 26, 2019 – Iridian has recently expanded our filter capacity for LiDAR sensing application. Our Iridian LiDAR filters feature narrow bandwidth, higher transmission and low angular wavelength shift for wider AOI range. For more information on...

Iridian Now Offers Hybrid GFFs

Iridian Now Offers Hybrid GFFs

Iridian now offers Hybrid GFFs with additional optical capabilities. For example, it can block the pump laser from light in the range of approximately 980 nm or 1480 nm while providing gain flattening for signal light amplification without the need for an additional...
